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Campus Day Services


Campus Day Services at Boswell provide a warm, enriching environment that encourages individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD) to celebrate their unique talents through recreation, work, community involvement, and expressive arts. 

Focusing on person-centered planning and individualization, Campus Day Services promote life-long learning opportunities through activities that stimulate mental, emotional, and social growth.

Activities and outings take place both on-site and in the community, and they are specifically tailored to the individual's interests, desires, and abilities. Activities include such things as using computers, cooking groups, money management skills, shopping, job skills, art and music therapy, exercise groups, volunteering in community events and more. The services offered are designed to increase independence and self-sufficiency and enhance the quality of life and self-esteem of individuals by providing them with meaningful life experiences.




Boswell Regional Center
PO Box 128 / 1049 Simpson Highway 149
Magee, MS 39111
Phone: (601) 867-5000
Fax: (601) 867-5085